31 High School Students Came to AVIAGE SYSTEMS for Career Inspiration
2020-08-27Shanghai, China
image with artdirection

On August 27th, AVIAGE SYSTEMS Headquarters warmly welcomed 31 high school students from No.2 High School of East China Normal University (Zizhu) to participate in the 1st Career Inspiration Workshop organized by the company’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) team. To give back to the community, the CSR team and Youth League Committee of Zizhu Park jointly organized this and created opportunities for students to walk into enterprises to learn different industries and the skills required for different occupations, and helped them to explore their future career paths.

George Y. Chang, President and CEO of AVIAGE SYSTEMS, kicked off the event with a welcome speech, sharing the history of AVIAGE SYSTEMS and giving students valuable suggestions for choosing a career. After a roundtable with young engineers working at AVIAGE SYSTEMS, the students not only understood the great achievements and bright future of China civil aviation industry, but also start thinking deeply about the connection of the college majors with their future careers.

What is an avionics system? What role does it play on C919? The students are very curious about AVIAGE SYSTEMS business. During the panel discussion session, the volunteers answered the questions in a metaphorical way——the core avionics system is equivalent to the brain and neural network of the aircraft.

Afterwards, the students visited the show room and labs, and experienced being a pilot in the flight experience center. In the specially designed hands-on session, everyone tried software development, circuit testing, and equipment assembly under the guidance of volunteers. Through simple and interesting experiments, the students fully explored their imagination and creativity, experienced the joy of developing products, and also had a conceptual understanding of how AVIAGE SYSTEMS delivered the avionics system to C919 program. The students also learned that being rigorous, having the safety mindset is critical to avionics engineers. Doreen Ding, Chief Human Resources Officer of AVIAGE SYSTEMS, made a closing speech, giving best wishes to the students and then issued a certificate of completion to everyone.

Since its establishment in 2012, AVIAGE SYSTEMS has initiated the CSR project, and has contributed more than 5,543 volunteer hours to the society in the past 8 years. To spread the spirit of aviation and inspire the kids to learn more about avionics, AVIAGE SYSTEMS volunteers have developed specific courses about avionics and aviation, and continuously gave classes in the primary schools. AVIAGE SYSTEMS is committed to contributing back to the society and the community as "We Care We Share".

About Us

AVIAGE SYSTEMS is a 50/50 joint venture between General Electric Company (GE) and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) .

Building on a historic partnership between two world-leading aerospace companies, AVIAGE SYSTEMS aims to elevate the future of flight by unleashing our world-class talent, cutting-edge innovation and powerful partnerships.